Engineering Ethnicity Index

The AFBE-UK Engineering Ethnicity Index is a definitive indexing tool for engineering companies to measure their progress on racial and ethnic inclusion in the workplace. Employers gain the most from the Index when they utilise it as a framework for development.

  • Race at Work Charter - Evidence of delivery
  • Data – Equality Impact Assessment – Evidence of the impact of diversity measures resulting a more representative workforce.
  • Correlation of targeted initiatives with business performance
  • Leadership in Management - Evidence of ethnic representation at senior leadership/C-Suite level
  • Stakeholder Engagement - A commitment to ensure that there is diversity among contractors, sub-contractors, and companies with the supply chain
  • People Strategy and Talent Management
  • Inclusion of diversity and inclusion as a competency on which staff are appraised
  • -A commitment to implement and embed equality, diversity, and inclusion at all stages of the organisations people strategy and talent management process
  • Employee resource groups are fully empowered and have oversight/responsibility in the collection of data/ the evaluation of diversity programmes
  • Executive sponsorship programmes for middle managers from ethnic minority backgrounds
  • Black, Asian or minority ethnic owned companies/consultants are within the supply chain/hold tenders
  • Anti-racism training for all staf
  • Diversity as a Key Performance Indicator
  • Race at Work Charter - A clear plan for delivering the actions in
  • Data – Equality Impact Assessment – Evidence of a system for data collection on ethnicity of staff, recruits, applicants, and contractors. Evidence of a system for pay gap reporting.
  • Leadership in Management - EA process for tracking diversity at all levels in an organisation. A plan for ensuring career progression to leadership
  • Stakeholder Engagement - A commitment to ensure that contractors, sub-contractors, and companies with the supply chain adopt diversity and inclusion policies. Embedding of “social value” in contracts
  • Fully resourced and empowered employee resource group
  • BPʼs Leadership Inclusion for talent programme
  • Reverse mentoring programme
  • Invitations to tender, and requests for proposals assess applicantsʼ commitment to racial and ethnic diversity
  • Transparency in the routes to progression
  • Transparent and fair reward and recognition
  • Unconscious bias training for all staf
  • Outreach programmes, including to universities, Black led charities / youth organisations
  • Internship programme
  • Using situational strengths tests in recruitment
  • Race at Work Charter - Sign up to the charter
  • Data – Equality Impact Assessment – EA commitment to capture qualitative and quantitative baseline
  • Company Culture - Creating of safe spaces for minority ethnic employees Plan for Inclusive Recruitment
  • Plan for Education of staff around microaggressions
  • AFBE Brand Monitor Score
  • Employee resource Groups/creating safe spaces
  • HR system to capture employee ethnicity data – e.g. use of Workday
  • Collecting the data for all applicants at interview stage for all candidates for every role
  • Organising lunch and learn/informal sessions on the ethics of ethnic diversity
  • Publishing of a diversity and inclusion strategy regarding race and ethnicity
  • Company has sought to understand how they are viewed by Black, Asian and minority ethnic engineers through the AFBE brand monitor
  • Recruitment is open, transparent and roles are advertised in areas likely to be seen by minority ethnic engineers
  • Transparency and objectivity at each stage of recruitment
  • Mentoring programme
  • Use relevant and appropriate language in job specifications